Tuesday, 28 April 2015

98. So, I took a break from blogging.

So, I took a break from blogging.

It is not that I had nothing to say, a rarity in my life.  In fact, I have a number of pieces just needing editing before I publish. 

I hit a point in my faith that made inaction a reasonable, um, course of action.  To be honest, I wondered if I wanted anything to do with Christianity.  I love Jesus, but collectively we are a bunch of idiots.  At the same time, I felt the ever present Christ wanting to claim more of my life. – Those of you who think that surrendering your life to Christ is as simple as muttering a prayer after listening to a compelling sermon are in for a surprise.  And coincidentally, there was wondering if I wanted anything to do with God at all.

My questioning of God began one night as I was getting ready for bed.  For whatever reason my mind offered up the idea that Wanna could spend eternity in hell.  I am not that put off by the idea that I might be eternally damned, but the idea of Wanna being subjected to torment for simply making the wrong decision is distressing.

I know that I can be violent, and vengeful.  I do not think that I could be as violent as either creating or tolerating hell.  I do know that I am not callous enough to worship a God who would be content with the suffering of his creation for all eternity.

Sunday mornings became more challenging – do I lay in bed cuddling Wanna with hopes of getting lucky or do I go to a place with some people that I like and others that I find kind of questionable?  Do I spend that time spinning the wheels on my bicycle, or spend another ninety minutes sitting?  After all, Pastor Dan uploads his sermons to the internet – I could catch what he says at a later date.

Added to this was seeing my fellow Christians selectively using the bible to justify being assholes.  The entire aspect of the graceless condemnation of others, and the lack of humility as we insist others live up to an invented moral code began to disgust me.

All in all, the walk of faith became the trudge of belief.  Thus, my belief that it was the hand of God that had led me to this point.  The challenge was not whether to believe – I am not sure how much of that is by choice.  For me it is like saying I have stopped believing I have a brother, or a wife, or a kid, or that there are M&M peanuts.  It is really a question of participation.

It became difficult to write and to publish.  I do not know if I have the where-with-all to expound upon something that I have great misgivings about.  I had walked into a period of spiritual questing – where I had more questions than answers.  I have a sneaking suspicion that Christ, God, the Holy Spirit either separately or together colluded for this to happen.  Which is one of the reasons why I do love God.
I grew up in a family that was moderately fucked up.  Dysfunctional is a concept that I am not sure about.  How to family got by was to not talk about the violence in the family, not to confront it.  When what we did as a family was discussed it was met with hostility and violence in an effort to end the discussion.  What I have been left with is conversations with my brother, decades later, of what happened.  That wasn’t love, that was survival.

It has been my experience that a life of faith does not lead to silence, uncomfortable or otherwise.  It does not skirt issues – it meets them head on, gently, lovingly, and patiently.

My faith is not simply a one way path where I honour, love and obey God, while he sits there taking it all in.  I don’t think God seeks simple compliance.  It is a matter of working out my salvation. 

While I am back to writing, I am still in a place of questioning. 

The other day I made comment to my pastor that I wanted the simplified version of faith.  You the one, where there is exceeding confidence that you are right and everyone else is wrong, and that you are the good son, or daughter, loving and obedient.  And as much as that comment was made tongue-in-cheek I do want that simplicity.  But Pastor Dan made comment that we are not called to such.