Sunday, 31 July 2016

125. Rejecting the Binary

Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

I have come across a term that I like – Reject the Binary.  I see our either-or thinking as being the root of so much of what ails us.  For much of the world around us, I see as living on a continuum.  So with that in mind I offer the following:

It seems to me that we as a group of people are becoming more divisive. It very well could be that our divisiveness is simply becoming more noticeable. We have been watching a political process in the United States that seems embroiled in an us-versus-them mentality. This I think accentuates that style of thinking.
          The divisions are many, gay or straight, black or white (morality and race), rich and poor, lost and saved, male and female, right and wrong, left or right (politics not handedness - both revile the other), and the list could go on; how we divide people seems endless.
          I have seen that divisiveness in so many groupings.  In 12 step communities we separate the world into addicts/alcoholics and normies.  The idea being that the misery us addicts have experienced and the way we now live sets us apart from the rest of the world.  So as Wanna has decided to not drink, there are the requisite questions as to whether she has come to accept her alcoholism; even though she has quit for different reasons.  These days, most Sundays I go to one of the most segregated organizations in existence – church.  Despite all of our rhetoric, churches still remain divided by race and ethnicity.
          Many of these divisions, such as race, do not actually exist; except for our insistence that they do. Other divisions exist only for the few that live in the extreme opposites - most of us live within the balance between the opposing ends of spectrums. Think of life and death - yes that binary does exist, death is real and lies in wait at the end of a continuum. Birth, life, exists at the other end. But our lives are lived in the space between.
          Yet, unlike the dichotomy of life and death, those that we create are the breeding pits of hatred and violence. When we fall into us-and-them thinking it is the “Us” that is the correct and valued side. The other, the “Them” are wrong and to be despised.  It is that separateness that we use to justify all sorts of vile acts.
          Consider gender, apart from simple biology - which too often is actually not that clear - is a sociological construct. I can tell you that what is permissible as a man has nothing to do with having a penis. And what is permissible at times is alarming. White male privilege can only exist in the context of either-or binaries.

My point is not that such binaries do not exist - rather that it is how we live with those binaries that is so important. So I propose a concept that I draw from my pagan days. Embracing our paradoxes, contradictions, and opposites.
          It is when I stop playing the male vs female game that I am free to embrace my life. When I am free to express myself as I am, is when I can be truly who I am. The only way that I know of to be free, is to stop playing us-and-them, and embrace what lies between. Thus, I am feminist for rather selfish reasons, I know that my freedom lies within the freedom for women. But in doing so, I must be willing to part with the privilege that I have been afforded.

Such an approach does not call for a homogenizing of the world.  Rather it celebrates our differences.  It is moving from a black and white view of the world to a kaleidoscope of colours not to simply a gray scale.  To put this into terms that I celebrate – it is shifting from my family’s meat and potato approach to food to the multicultural experience of food that is Vancouver. 
          I will leave you with that, I hope I have made sense, there is more to explore.