Monday, 14 January 2013

3. A Call to Be Transparent

John4:4 - 6 Now he had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.

What does he want? She must have asked herself.  This strange man sitting there asking her for a drink of water.  I have always pictured the story of Jesus with the woman at the well happening in heat of the day.  She was the town slut; she’d been married five times and the focus of gossip, none of it nice.  She was also a Samaritan - think - African American in the Deep South before the civil rights movement, you get the stereotype.  She came to the well in the middle of the day when all others would have been escaping the heat.
What is he doing here?  What did he want with her? Those would have been the questions running through her mind.  He probably knew she would put out, have sex with him.  There was no virtue in being divorced five times, and now shacked up and she probably did sexual favours for cash, food, to avoid being beaten.  But this man was Jewish - she was Samaritan - was he that desperate? Or was his interest more sinister - rape and murder are not modern day inventions.

I like this story, The Woman at the Well.  The subplot always seems to be missed though.  Jesus was being creepy, I mean stalker creepy.  No man of morals, or of sense would have been at the well at that time of the day.  I believe he went there on purpose, he knew she would be there, he was stalking her.  It is just like Jesus to be doing something utterly strange.

She would have been suspicious before she even got close to the well.  But as she drew nearer she really got how peculiar this man was. His gaze and smile were more than unsettling.  She was used to men leering at her, but this man made her more than uncomfortable - it was if he could see inside her life, inside her heart that he knew her darkness. 

I like to think Jesus saw her as the mother of the kids of her five marriages, as someone's daughter, as the sister of someone, as the daughter of God.  He also knew all the other crap - but he saw her for who she was.

As they talked Jesus spoke to her cutting through that crap - her shame - her guilt - her fear.  I like this woman, she is as messed up as I have been, and still am at times.  Jesus is being harsh, allowing her no shred of self appointed dignity. She just wants to get her fucking water and go home.  He wants her to slack the thirst of her soul.  She just wants to get what she wants and slink out of there.  He wants her to know that she can approach the throne of God with confidence.

Jesus is not an easy gig.  Take his comment, “Go call your husband and come back.”  It is not a polite comment.  While I don’t see Jesus taunting her, he is not mean spirited, it is a pointed comment.  He wants us to know that he knows, he wants us to end our pretense, with him, with each other.

If you are reading this I have question.  Do you have your “woman at the well” moments?  Those moments when you just really want to fly under the radar, do what you came to do and not be bothered.

My “Woman at the Well Moment” is often church.  I want to get in there, sing the songs, get the lesson, snatch the chunk of bread and the sip of wine and get the hell out.  Gone are the extremes of my struggles, I wasn’t drunk and stoned last night, I am not a mess, I don’t smell like a barroom floor or vomit and my clothes are clean. These days the sin seems to be more subtle, the self-centredness more cleverly disguised.  Not that I am a psychopath waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting church goer to get the last donut. 

But I don’t want to lay bare my struggles, let you know that at times I wonder if all the Christian nonsense is just an indication that I need to go on different medication.  That this week that I have been rude to the woman I love and cherish and have hurt her feelings.  I don’t want you to know that I lusted after the woman standing by the coffee pot. 

Church is one of my “Woman at The Well” moments.  I know Jesus waits there for me, and I wonder what does he want?

The story of the woman at the well can be found in the Gospel of John, chapter four.  

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