Sunday, 28 June 2015

99. A Sin Unlike the Others

1 Cor 6:9 - 10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

In the wake of the Supreme Court of the United States’ ruling that discrimination based upon morality is illegal there has been an article circulating the internet.  Finally, I seem drawn out of my lethargy and feel compelled to write.  The article states that homosexuality is not like the other sins.

Personally, I believe that what Paul was addressing was not homosexuality as we know it.  However, I do support those who believe that he was referring to homosexuality as we are seeing it today.  I am not getting into the entire nonsense of separating the acts from the people. I have listened to a sermon that stated that if straight men engaged in sex with each other that it would still be sinful.  If two straight men engaged in sex with each other chances are that they are not straight.  My point is that what you believe about homosexuality is an aspect of your faith, and what you decide is between you and God. 

But I do agree that homosexuality, if it is to be considered a sin, is a sin unlike the others.  Homosexuality, unlike sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, theft, greed, drunkenness, reviling, or swindling, has been used for systemic prejudice, condoning of violence, and engaging in discrimination.  Our society has celebrated and encouraged the other sins, while engaging in active prejudice against the LGBTQ community.  Within our church walls we have singled it out for our attention.

The other sins are not only celebrated but encouraged within a culture that emphasises personal gain above all else.  People, mostly women, are reduced to being commercial goods that are to be sought after in much the same way as the cool cars, big houses, and the latest gadgets.  Intoxication has been celebrated, in my life time, back to Cheech and Chong records.  Theft and swindling are considered nothing more than shrewd business practices.

As a society, we have taught that adultery is an acceptable and expected part of the life of a marriage.  Forty percent of first time marriages end in divorce, I would imagine that most end having had adultery as being part of the process.  But can you imagine if two people who have remarried were approached on the street and beaten violently for being adulterous? 

When I think of the LGBTQ community, I think of the Stonewall Inn.  An establishment that served LGBTQ people was raided for no other reason than for who they were.  It was the start of the Gay Pride movement.  I think of other acts of systemic prejudice and the examples that come to mind are based on race and ethnicity. 

But that is the larger secular community – many of you voice objections to the immorality of our world.  But collectively, we have sought out special treatment for homosexuality.  Is this push back from the ‘Gay Agenda’?  I would hope not, the Gay Agenda, despite those people intent on creating fear, is the same as my agenda or your agenda; live happy lives, help others and be good people.

Yet, we treat other sins differently.

We teach that greed is not only not a sin, but it is an admirable quality and that we should celebrate it.  Or have I missed the entire purpose of the prosperity gospel?  And as I am fond to say, “I would rather explain to God why I loved another man, than sought to become excessively rich while others languished in poverty.”

Adultery is well tolerated within the walls of our churches; or have I misread Jesus teaching on adultery, divorce and remarriage.  Yet, in the same sermon in which I was told that straight men could not engage in sex with each other, I was told that remarriage was acceptable.  The man preaching had talked about his use of scripture to support remarriage, even in the case where the divorce was not based on sexual immorality or adultery.

I found it quite interesting, if not somewhat disturbing, that one of the churches that I attended there were women reading the Fifty Shades of Grey series and talking about it.  This same church is quite vocal in its opposition to the acceptance of the LGBTQ people.  This same church held pub nights – I guess the entire reference to drunkenness is misunderstood by me.

I could go on.  We seem to make room and accept these other sins.   I don’t trust our agenda in vilifying LGBQT people.  As of a few days ago it became legal to marry the person that you love and are committed to regardless of the gender mix of that relationship.  I celebrate that decision.  Oh, and just in case you are curious, if your church decides that it does not support same gender marriages, I will also support you in that expression of faith.

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