Tuesday, 3 March 2015

95. Things that make you go hmmm....

A break from my vain attempts at theology and for something more interesting – at least for me.

The culture in North America is kind of strange when it comes to sex.  I know other cultures are sort of off as well, but it is this culture in which I live and can easily see the strangeness.

I was listening to a Sunday afternoon talk show on the radio and the topic of discussion was the challenges of Viagra and other erectile dysfunction medication.  One of the challenges is that there is a lag time between taking the medication and it having the desired effect.  Think about that for a moment.

You have a naked partner willing to engage in sex with you and the challenge is to fill thirty minutes of time while the medication kicks in, and you are at a loss of what to do....hmm.  Maybe what is needed is a shift in how one views sex, not a medication.

Just sayin...

Not surprisingly in this world of let’s not slow down and enjoy ourselves, they have come up with a medication to enhance a woman’s libido.  Now I have not heard the marketing for this medication, but I have heard a sexpert discuss it.  Her suggestion is that by increasing the libido of the woman she is more inclined to have sex with her husband and thus keep the man from straying.

I am thinking that if the man takes his Viagra and goes to...umm...work....by the time his medication kicks in, she won’t need any.

Now there are legitimate reasons – health based – where both of these medications are required.  But I can’t help thinking that our dependency on medications for everyday events reveals that we are living crazy lives.  I know I do.

But back to the idea of it being the woman’s role to keep the man faithful. 

I can’t help but think in that one comment we have been set back a few decades.  That comment is only a stone’s throw away from legitimizing rape.  I am not sure what the twisted logic is that it is up to the woman to ensure that the man is faithful; but I don’t like it.  The other side of this kind of thinking ensures that men do not have to mature and assume responsibility for ourselves. 

The other random thought comes from the quagmire we call Facebook.  The most accurate quote from this social networking site is “The internet allows us to be whoever and whatever we want to be, why do so many people choose to be stupid?”
But that is not what caught my attention this week.  It was a contact of mine posting a slogan – I love being white.  The comment stunned me.  The person attached to this made the comment, “In this day of gay pride, native pride, black pride and the like, I have decided that I am proud to be white.”

There was the hesitation from the associated “White Power” groups, which may have ruined this concept for me forever.  I can get behind the “Kiss me I am (Insert Ethnicity)” but “I love being white” is kind of hard to support. 

I offer no biblical references for the above – simply a mind trying to avoid thinking about more serious matters.

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